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Soroni Anti-Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Transparency Statement

This Statement is presented by Soroni LTD. It is made in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 to describe the steps taken by Soroni LTD and, in alignment with our “People Matter” values, demonstrates our

commitment to implementing and improving upon practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.


Our Business

Soroni LTD is a provider of a cloud-based, software platform that allows customer organisations to build engaged, secure communities of stakeholders for ongoing, real-time feedback and insights. The core of our

supply chain consists of third-party technology suppliers that support our software platform. While these core

suppliers are generally understood to be low risk for slavery or human trafficking practices, we recognize that

certain sectors in our supply chain (such as office equipment suppliers and the food and beverage industry) may

be at a higher risk. We are committed to monitoring our supply chain and will determine appropriate steps in the

event that we determine there may be a higher risk of slavery or human trafficking.


Our Policies & Commitments

Soroni LTD is committed to implementing and improving upon practices to combat modern slavery

and human trafficking in our supply chains and throughout our business. Our policies and commitments, along

with the due diligence, training, and reporting steps described in this Statement reflect our ongoing commitment

to act ethically and with integrity in our business relationships and to monitor our internal systems to prevent

slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.


Our People

The nature of our business recognizes the importance of human relationships. At Soroni LTD, we put

people at the heart of our business through our corporate value that people matter, and aligned with this, all

members of Soroni LTD are required to conduct their activities in accordance with our Code of

Business Conduct and Ethics. Our Code requires our members to act according to the highest standards of

honesty and integrity as well as compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements, which extend to the protection

of human rights and the prohibition of forced labour and human trafficking.


Our Supply Chains & Due Diligence

Soroni LTD expects our suppliers to treat workers and employees with respect, fairness and in

accordance with applicable laws.


To ensure alignment between our values and ethics and those of our suppliers, Soroni LTD is

reviewing the source locations of our procurement partners and certain direct suppliers. We have canvassed active

suppliers located in the UK, to assess their published commitment(s) to the prevention of modern slavery and

human trafficking. In addition, as part of our procurement onboarding process, we ask new suppliers to outline

and identify any procedures, relevant steps, and anti-slavery policies they have in place, which information is reviewed

as part of our intake assessment.


Looking ahead, we plan to implement an automated program within our procurement intake process so new and

renewing suppliers can confirm their commitment to ensuring no modern slavery or human trafficking in their supply

chains. This program will help us to reach more of our suppliers as it relates to renewals and new agreements.


Training & Reporting

To ensure an appropriate understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and

within our business, Soroni LTD is committed to educating our employees, officers, and other individuals who work for us, about the Act and has provided training to relevant employees (specifically those involved with the procurement of suppliers). We plan to extend similar training for all of our employees and are

taking steps to review and reinforce the available channels for reporting any suspected violations or similar



Further Steps

Soroni LTD will continue to monitor our practices and supply chains to develop and strengthen our

commitment to human rights matters including the elimination of slavery and human trafficking.

This Statement is made by Soroni LTD for the financial year ending March 31, 2021 and will be reviewed and published on an annual basis.